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Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi

Room Alert 3W is our low-cost, Wi-Fi-enabled environment monitor that expands your reach into areas with no Ethernet connection. It monitors your facility for temperature and up to two more environment conditions of your choice.

Small and light, the Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi can hang from a ceiling or on a wall with no special tools. It goes where it would be impractical to put our wired models, such as basements and attics. While it fits easily where space it at a premium, multiples of this unit can also be distributed across strategic locations of larger spaces to cover more ground.

Use Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi Monitor on its own or pair it with these powerful platforms!

Trigger alerts, reminders and “all-clears” in response to environmental thresholds that you set.

Receive alerts in the best format for you! E-mail, text message, visual/audible signal, HTTP post inclusive by SNMP trap.

View sensor readings on an easy-to-read web interface—over the Internet or on your local network.

Compile, graph and download historical sensor data to spot trends in your environment.

Power Room Alert 3 Wi-Fi with included 5V power adapter.

Video introduction to Room Alert 3E Wi-Fi