ownCloud 10.5 brings unified delivery and file locking

With the release of the server version 10.5, ownCloud consolidates its lineup into just two handy packages. Now there are just a minimalist one with the Server and required components and a complete one containing all supported apps. This means that the availability of Enterprise features only depends on a license key, and users do not have to register for the ownCloud Marketplace. Everyone can install ownCloud and, if interested in the enterprise features, test drive those for 30 days after registering for a demo key. This streamlines the evaluation of Enterprise features a lot.
New Features
Where 10.5. unlocks the installation process somewhat, it also helps lock stuff up. Users now can lock files in the Web App so they don’t get saved to by others while being worked on. In Federation use cases, ownCloud now features a new and improved background job that syncs changes across Federated shares, even taking care of meta-data. The experience for users working on files in federated shares is thereby improved to resemble working in their local ownCloud.
Notable Changes
As part of the aforementioned changes in delivery, the enterprise key app has been deprecated. Version 10.5 supports PHP 7.4 and ditches support for PHP 7.1. Please make sure your system meets these requirements and please upgrade all apps to the latest versions to ensure compatibility. The enterprise key app must be disabled after upgrading. Please check if the apps you use are properly enabled and the rest is disabled.