Room Alert is the premier environmental monitor for server rooms, data centers, warehouses, cold rooms and other facilities, large and small. Often customers who purchase this equipment later realize that there are additional factors they should be monitoring as well! These unmonitored factors can cause outages or damage, leading them to purchase additional sensors after they have already experienced costly downtime.
To help you monitor more extraordinary environmental factors while saving money, new Room Alert packages were created in January 2023!
These new pre-defined packages allow you to start monitoring multiple environmental factors and fully protect your facilities from the very first moment, instead of adding sensors later!
Take advantage of this promotional campaign until February 28th, and consult DSSI for special prices!
Protect your facilities and don’t wait until it’s too late!
Protect your facilities and don’t wait until it’s too late!
Room Alert 32S Packages

Room Alert 12S Packages